My Jani Hamza's Birthday

Today i gonna share some my life's awsome and savage moments... okay.. and this is related about me my friends ... so let me introduce myself... my name is Hassan Masood ... and i'm currently studying in XII (business studies) and i used to take my regular tuition classes in Al Munwar Commerce Academy... Located in Darakhshan, Passport Office Kalaboard.. so i have millions of scenes means funny incidents to tell you.. but now i gonna talk about a funny incident that happened today 😂😂

My coaching friend hamza also known as POPAT ... thats not his real name but we used to called him as POPAT for no reason... !!
We got absolutely shocked... !!! because this thing only   
REAL PAKISTANI  can get this ... okay we all get set for the treat and Hamza just give task to My another best friend UMER to collect some bucks to get more fun at the party... 

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okay his birthday was on 22 Sept... and it was Sunday ... so he decided to celebrate his birthday on yesterday ( monday ) after class... so Monday came up... and weather was too too hot ... and there was no predictions for RAIN ... okay we're All set for the program and the venue was any best fast food OR pizza shop around malir... when i was going to coaching..  the weather was damn hot... and i was riding bike and i was keep sweating.. 

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okay i reached to the class and get entered... and we're all ready to move... Class Ended on 4 : 40 and when we see outside the window a group of dark clouds surrounding the whole area ... and we just shocked... !! what is this happening ? okay... but we are thinking that it will not precipitate... and we just came outside from the center... and what we just watched !! THE HEAVY RAIN CAME UP AND PRECIPITATED HEAVILY... 

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This was unbelievable for us... because at 3 PM the weather was too hot... and we cant believe this and after 1.5 hours....
it is raining... so okay.. the plan got canceled... and we're all moved to our homes... 

Image result for people going back to home

Okay and the plan was set to next day... Umer called me at 
2 PM ... and he was talking about the POPAT'S birthday... and he was just literally begging more bucks to get more fun... so what i just told him... like every Pakistani does... TOPI .. i just topied him and it was.. 2 20 PM... what i just watched from my window... a bunch of dark cloud were coming ... i just shocked and suddenly said ... " NOT AGAIN"

I went to take a shower... and when i came outside ... its was raining HEAVILY ... and i just made called to my JANI Ateeb ... he picked up my call me we just laughed together and said... this is the "TWIST OF FATE" back to back cancellation of the plan... and tomorrow was our NATIONAL HOLIDAY because tomorrow was the Commercial Geography Class.. 

So that's the GAME OF FATE... i learnt today...


Most Importantly.. i wanna wish my jani a Beautiful happy Birthday 

Happy Birthday to You Hamza aka POPAT Janu !!!  



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